Wherein we, the Fam, produce updates and photographic evidence of the aforementioned Sprog, Sammy Z.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Data From the 4 mo. Check-In, Football and other Miscellany
Charlie, Grandad and Samuel
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's Tuesday October 21 and here are new photos
Someday, he will sleep.
Monk still outweighs Sam. Just barely.
A short series where Sarah attempts to eat Sam.
Noodging him to grin
Friday, October 17, 2008
Middle Class Family Bonanza!
River near the pumpkin patch. This state is absurdly beautiful.
Yes, there was a hayride. From left to right, this is Charlie, Axel, David w/ Sam, Simon, Miles, Devon and Dakota is in back.
Dakota cannot resist a camera-- but at least she grins for it! Sam really does look Buddha-like here.
Obligatory child-on-pumpkin shot. With Dakota, too.
Ah, how the mighty 17 year old footballer has fallen.
Pumpkin loading. We saw a lot of Axel's underwear that day. Don't know why, exactly.
Post Pumpkin Picinic Pile of People
Dakota feeding Sam-- a highlight of the day for her, I believe.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Well, we've arrived
Sam has been awake today. Just wants to sit and watch everything. Preferably on my lap, but he's a baby so what do you expect. He's been sporting the striped orange sleeper that Nana K. sent, with the fabulous sweater from Nana M.
Yesterday we had the mandatory middle class family experience of going to a pick-your-own pumpkin patch with the Seattle Krauters & Friends. Charlie and I climbed in the Jetta, wearing polar fleece and assorted Eddie Bauer gear and had the shocking revelation that we were Typical Seattle People. We've fought it for so long but it seems that with the arrival of Sam, we are helpless to resist. We may start driving like Seattlites-- gah.
The last visitors were Anne & Joanne. Here to have a grownup vacation and to squeeze Sam. Looks like the next visitor is Grandad. Anyone is welcome, as long as they don't expect a clean house or much amusement beyond, "Hey! Look! We have a baby!" We also have a Roku (the netflix gadget to use the play instantly feature on your tv) but somehow I don't see people shelling out money for a plane ticket just for that.