Friday, November 21, 2008

Been a Long Time


It's been a while. Mostly due to my old and pokey computer. So, here's a MASS of visual imagery to keep everyone happy until the Turkey Day Spokane photos come online.

Cat still weighs more. This is on the quilt Erin made for Sam.

Sam and Holden M. Krukonis-- the newborn boy of my pal Megan. We visited a couple weeks ago when Holden was just about two weeks (?) old. It was all good, and then...
Note how leery my child looks.
Holden and Megan are doing fabulous. He's a gorgeous kid, she's a tuned in mom, all is well in the world.

This is the freaking AMAZING gingerbread I made for Megan. (She may or may not agree, I don't know) I was so impressed with m'self, and I'd been reading back postings from Tartelette (see right) that I felt the need to grab the camera. All from a JOY OF COOKING receipe.

Awful damn cute. But a giant hand, no?

This is Sam's current complex relationship object. (Many of you remember the venetian blinds...) It's a crab rattle and it's awesome. He gets extremely excited and then has to have it disappear. I think there's a crustacean theme with this kid. First Tiff gets him Rock Lobster and now this. He's also sporting my favorite sleeper-- one that is printed with monster trucks spewing mud and small aliens. I heart Target.

So, this is the latest Nana Marsh hat-- fabulous. Also the monkey overalls from Impwear. The socks are from Nana K. It is a FAB outfit. I'm just in my super cozy robe. The thing that evidently I live in.
Erin came to visit and hold the baby last weekend. Her hair used to be fuschia, but it's growing out now.
Sam and Erin play with the disturbing toy that comes with the Rainforest themed high chair.
Many of you know of my love/obsession with Henry Rollins. Erin is largely responsible for that. I especially love how it says "animal" and "machine" next to Sam's head in the upper photo-- the orginal printing is "Part Animal, Part Machine"
He smiles a lot more these days. This isn't one of his best, but whenever I try to photograph it, he gets distracted by the camera and gets very serious.

Surefire way to amuse Sam: show him his toes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Drooling, Shrieking and Generally Acting Like A Big Baby

Ah, but we do put Baby in the bouncy chair.
Tiffany--quite possily the coolest person on the planet AS WELL AS a fabulous best bud-- got this for the Sprog when he was merely a hint of indigestion. It certainly belies our generational tendencies.

A Short Series Where Samuel Stares at Monk

"Fear Me, Cat Minion!"

Nothing much to report other than Sam continuing to act like a big baby. He's making more noise that seems to mimic talking-- although it seems to be mainly of the "demand" variety. However, he loves to cook and provide commentary. I see a future in food television.