Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!


Yeah, I especially like the foot on the table. The only way to have cupcakes.

A year ago, today.
Maybe you can tell, maybe you can't, but Samuel Zephyr is M-A-D in this picture. Not sick, not harmed, just angry! But you would be too if you busted out early and had to get a C-Pap strapped to your face and an IV in your head. All I can offer is this, I was so happy, so damn happy to finally hold my kid. Because I can remember that joy, this is my favorite picture of the two of us.
Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just a Suggestion

OK, this has no pics, but I humbly suggest you cruise over to the Spring family website and scroll down to look at the video of Sam's pal Rudy in the bath. Not because I'm some kind of nekkid baby obsessed freak, but you can witness Rudy's awesome declamation skills IN ACTION. It's hilarious. Plus, gotta support their blog as they support mine!