Saturday, September 12, 2009

Salsa and Shoes

One thing we know: Sam loves shoes. We're working on where his feet are. Considering how obsessed he was with his feet at one point, you'd think this would be easy. Oh no. He does know where his head is-- almost to the exclusion of everything else. As in, "Sam, do you want more?" Answer, hand on head and a look of pleased expectation. So, much as in many Asian languages where one character means many different things depending on inflection, so with pointing to the head. At any rate, here is some evidence of Sam's continuing affection for footwear. Lately, the foyer is his favorite place.
I just realized, this shows him mid-crouch. He's getting pretty good at standing without aid. Again, still disinterested in walking. But, like everything else and Sam, he will get to it when he damn well pleases.

What prompted my, well, prompt posting tonight was dinner. We had salmon tacos for dinner, but our bbq is slow and babies MUST EAT AT 6:00!! (And, I don't think it's great to waste salmon on someone who might not eat it-- when I will) I prepped Sam's dinner with black beans instead. He had what we had-- some queso fresca, a little lime juice on the beans (and lime slice on plate), some tortilla and then a bananna. First, he went at the beans with giddy abandon. I swear, this kid is a vegetarian. Which is weird, considering the avalanche of red meat I consumed while pregnant. Or, maybe not so weird...
Anyhow, he can try anything we're eating that I haven't plated for him-- within reason. He was interested in the chips and salsa, so a chip in salsa for him. Chip-- not so interesting. Salsa however, is another story. I swear, he consumed about 1/4 cup of salsa. Yes, it was mild salsa, but it was still pretty flavorful. As I said to Charlie, he may hate it tomorrow, but it did my Mexican food loving heart proud.
Very serious about dinner.
And covered in salsa.
You can kind of see dinner-- the weird pile of reddishness in the lower right corner of his plate is the mix of tortilla pieces and salsa he as hoovering up (his version of chips and salsa.)

Charlie is putting him to bed now--and it's not quite 8 pm. He's down to one nap a day, usually at 1:00 pm and then for 90 minutes to 2 hours. It's wonderful. He goes to sleep early, wakes up around 8:00 am and it's almost like having a normal life. He's fantastic and we're so grateful for it.
Plus, we went to Kindermusik and Gymboree this week-- signing up for both-- and this means I've ensured at least two days a week of flat-out exhaustion. SCORE. However...he learned how to climb a ladder at Gymboree (luckily climbing down off of something rather than UP something, so that's a plus) and in Kindermusik, I discovered that my kid's personality is such that he's patently uninterested in what everyone else is doing. You can see him pause, evaluate and decide, "Hey, that's what all the chumps are doing. NOT ME." And then he very purposefully and politely wanders off. I sense that formal education may be a challenge for him. I feel his pain.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some Early September Moments

This is a happy boy.

Seriously, I did not put him there. He went of his own accord.

Packing and unpacking the Legos.
Build with them? No. Organize them? Oh Yes.

With the banjo

A rare Mama sighting.

Sam, talking to toy cars. Bear with me-- the video goes from the wrong angle to the correct one, midway.

And then, there is always the cat.