Monday, March 29, 2010

A Spring Monday, So How's About Some Christmas!

See, it's Christmas. You can tell by the tree and the glazed (or demonic) expressions.

I'm going for volume over pithy commentary here-- which is not to pretend my commentary is frequently (or ever) pithy-- so I've just lumped in a bunch of late November/December 2009 shots. In no real order. With minimal explanation. Sorry.
Watching the construction next door. You'll see some more of this series later. It's before we cut his long, hippie hair.

At the annual Krauter Gingerbread House Decorating Extravaganza.
This is Ranaleigh and her gorgeous house.
Gareth investigates Sam.
Sam discovers candy and Froot Loops.
"Mother, where have you been keeping these delights?!"
So many kids. So. Much.Sugar.
Isn't this what you want to see when you open the bathroom door?
Helping with cookie making.

Bug cars!

Going to the park.

He actually likes the merry-go-round. Really.
(And when's the last time you saw an all steel merry-go-round in a public park? Insane and cool, right?)
Assisting Dad in making the fruitcake.

Grinding spices and doing the grinder dance.
Cooking is a popular activity.
But without pants, of course.

I swear, I do NOT put him in these places. He goes of his own accord.
And more watching construction.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank You, Han Solo

Thank you fictional character Han Solo for teaching my 19 month old the profoundly useful word, "cocky." Yes, cocky. There is nothing quite like hearing a blond, slightly cherubic toddler bounding around the house muttering "cockycockycockyCOCKY!" He picked this bit up from the recorded pieces of dialogue that playback on the Millenium Falcon toy that Sam and Charlie recieved for Christmas from Nana and Popop. Since Sam loves pushing buttons right now, we hear a lot of "Don't get cocky, kid!" and "R2, I suggest a new strategy...let the wookie win." Here are some pics of Nana and Sam investigating at Christmas.

"Sam, this is what you push to get the most noise..."

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's Been So Long...So Here's a Little Video

I've got no excuses, no rationale. Pure, unadulterated laziness as a blogger. But I have been taking pictures (for the last FOUR months...sheesh...) so I've got the goods. Hopefully, you'll enjoy.