Monday, September 27, 2010

Short Reading

My friend Tabitha writes. She's in PhD school too, and yet still seeks to keep her brain in overdrive. I added her blog to the "Read More About It" list and I suggest you go read some stuff.

Monday, September 13, 2010

2 Year Appointment Update

Because I know all of you have been waiting with bated breath:

Height: 36" (90 percentile)
Weight: 31 lbs. 6 oz. (80 percentile)
Head Circ: 52 cm (>95 percentile)

Sam is a yard high. He is no longer part of the Two Foot and Under club. He is part of the Four Foot and Under group. This is why he can climb onto his grow chair, why he can reach darn near whatever he wants on counters, why I can comfortably rest my hand on top of his head when he stands next to me.

Dr. Del Baccaro commented, "You'd never know he showed up early..." Too true. We love Dr. DB.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Playground Action 8.29.10

You might notice that our weekend adventures involve some repetitive activities. Yeah, well, he's two and we lack get-up-and-go. But here were some recent events. I'll get back to posting from the summer...well, when I get back to it.

First stop, Honore Bakery for beverages and pastry

Then onto the curly slide!!
(Please note the fabulous new footwear-- matches Dad's. Almost as big, too.)

Contemplating other children
First, what he can all by himself now-- with us spotting, of course!
Then the favorite activity of putting bark on Dad's shoes.
We finish with the truly terrifying climb up the arched ladder. It's not something we actively encourage, but he keeps going for it. Still cautious, but more daring every day.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana!

Sam loves Nana.
(And we do too!)
Happy Birthday, Cheryl!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some Photos from June (Catching up)

We had some adventures before we went to California this past June. Not huge adventures, but enough to get some photographic evidence.
A little morning art.

A trip to the Seattle Aquarium with Megan and Holden. We started with Sam attempting to dive headfirst into the fountain outside the aquarium doors.

And we progressed to fish gazing.
This huge sea star was wiggling its way across the window, alarmingly quick.

Holden, who moves around so much this is the only photo I have managed to get in our two year acquaintance.
Two varieties of fry
At the tide pools
Lunch at homeSam and Dad get a hold of Mama's camera
Fine dining.
I don't know why, but I like taking pictures of him eating.
Reading See...more eating
and more reading!
The Moms and Company came over before we left for CA-- it was a chance for us all to meet Elijah's sister, Kessa. (Well, mostly it was a chance for Elisabeth to baby hog!) Kessa is great-- a welcome shot of estrogen to our boy harem.
Rudy shows Kessa a car
Boy party
(from l to r: Rudy, Elijah and Sam)
Rudy engaging in some serious car negotiation.
Zach and Elijah at the back door
Mama Jen and Zach
Elisabeth attempting not to laugh at something Sam said.

I'm catching up, so there will be more to come, as I can manage it. Enjoy!

Some Late May

I'm not even going to attempt to apologize or justify our absence. So here are the goods.
At Honore Bakery on a Saturday.

A weekend morning, with Legos and Dad.


"Smells good."
Looking at the MakerBot with Zip and Jeanmarie
Playing spoons

Reading Richard Scarry