Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Drooling, Shrieking and Generally Acting Like A Big Baby

Ah, but we do put Baby in the bouncy chair.
Tiffany--quite possily the coolest person on the planet AS WELL AS a fabulous best bud-- got this for the Sprog when he was merely a hint of indigestion. It certainly belies our generational tendencies.

A Short Series Where Samuel Stares at Monk

"Fear Me, Cat Minion!"

Nothing much to report other than Sam continuing to act like a big baby. He's making more noise that seems to mimic talking-- although it seems to be mainly of the "demand" variety. However, he loves to cook and provide commentary. I see a future in food television.

1 comment:

Sarah Greenman said...

His "Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner" tee shirt is hilarious! What a cutie!