Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I Was Dreaming of a White...Oh No, This Was No Dream

This was December 18. The "Oh LOOK! It's snowing and so pretty! Glad I don't have to go outside today " Phase. I'm shooting roughly NW into the backyards of our block.

A view to the SW, from our back door. That's the neighbor's flat top garage.

"Oh well, I guess no more italian parsley and late peas for me! "

Three days later, December 21, it stopped being funny.
Remember this view? Now I couldn't even find where the parsely was, even if I wanted to.

Yes, that would be a FOOT of snow (12 ") on our grill bench.
Front of Mary Ave. Recognize the Action Wagon-- it looks taller here.

Charlie and I went for a walk on the 21st and got hot beverages from Honore Bakery. It began snowing (AGAIN) while we were out.
Behind me are the Ballard High School tennis courts.

Less of a smile, more of a grimace.Charlie is holding a wedge of snow covered in a 1/8" thick sheet of ice, grabbed from our drive. Walking was a succession of muffled punching sounds.Behind C is Mary Ave. Beyond that, 15th.

Looking to the corner of Mary and 67th. 15th had an ice median where the center turn lane had been.Dec. 22

Why didn't I publish this sooner? Well, obviously I am a deeply uncaring soul. Plus, I think I suffered from some kind of PTSD flashback whenever I looked at the pix. (Which is not meant to diminsh the very real horrors of PTSD) I was thinking about these after the reports that London got about 10 inches of snow over 48 hours. That is a city similarly unprepared for such events. I feel for my friend Dorothea.

1 comment:

Tizzy said...

Ha! It's warm and sunny in California, as my recent Snuggie photos on Facebook prove. Be strong Sarah!