Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Non-Denominational Cookie Party

Yesterday I attempted to initiate a tradition. Evidently my action was brave, but we had a helluva lot of fun. I invited the Mom's and Small People over for a cookie making party. The dough was Mary Kirby Sugar cookies (the awesomest cookie in the history of man), the cutters included elephants, tiaras and stars of David and the sprinkles were orange, yellow, pink and green. Really, I aimed as wild as I could get and I discovered that in my kitchen, it's just not that hard to get wild. So, we covered a folding table in trash bags, kept it on the floor as a work surface and let the monkeys go. There were some hairy moments with rolling pins, but they were all game. Cutters were flourished, noise was made, sugar sprinkled. Anyone who is curious: 18 month olds love, LOVE sprinkles. We had beverages, there was coffee cake, and Nana kept everything moving and grooving by cleaning up, pulling the wagon down the hall occasionally, and manning the ovens. I now see that I could not have done this without her presence!
Jen getting Zach and Rudy to work the camera.
All the children were stripped to diapers-- you'll see why this was a good plan.

(Clockwise from Left) Rudy, Sam and Zach

In progress

Elisabeth and Rudy
Can I just add, all these women are GORGEOUS. It's a little crazy and ever so slightly intimidating!

Sam loved to sprinkle. It is both "shakey-shakey" and a process of removing objects from one space into another.

Rudy tasting the results of his labor.
Sam is intrigued.

Rudy, Evil Genius

The Results.

And now we are off into the land of toddler parallel play...

Beata and Camila-- she needed to check out the dogs next door first.

Rudy's orange, glittery, sprinkled feet.

Elijah and Camila
Jen and Sam, Elijah's beautiful red head in the foreground.

Fierce, wonderful Camila.

Jen read to Sam and Zach. Jen and Zach did all the moves in "Head to Toe,"
and Sam was deeply confused why they kept moving and not reading.
Yeah, I'm certain this tradition is a keeper. Next time, we hope to see Katelyn, maybe Claire and whomever Kindra's baking. Happy Holidays to all.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nana Will Be Here Soon!

As in, about 2 hours! We love Nana! But we also love Grandad-- and miss him awfully much. He was here last week and much fun was had. At some point I'll unload the photos from my camera and show you!
Sam and his Mama's table and chairs
Grandad made these tables when Mama was 1-2.
Now they're getting a second life.

Thinking hard.
With long, hippie hair

Sam's "pumpkin" from Grandad's garden.
It's not the camera-- they really are pink.

Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Been A While

No excuses, no reasoning. Here's some eye candy to catch y'all up. A bit of a taste, if you will.
Repaying Nana's hospitality by unshelving her books.

Meeting Grandad's marionette.
Note cute shirt. It was his Halloween outfit.

From L to R, the Three Cousins: Dylan, Ryan and Sam.
In both age and height order.

Sam, Aunt Caitlyn and Dad.
That's a whole lotta Krauter goin' on.

Sam and Monk: Protecting the World From Evildoers
(at least the backyard)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Duuunnnhh....DUUUhhhhn....DUHNN-DUUHHHHHN!! HE WALKS!

Yes, yes, it's the big news. He's ACTUALLY toddling about. As I have been saying, all in his own good time. I think we should all just prepare ourselves for this behavior FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. Here are some of our latest adventures.
At the playground

He loves the slide. Ambivalent to outright nervous about the swings.
And, as you can see ever so slightly in the pictures, going to the playground with the kids is, apparently, a Dad activity. Nary a fellow mom to be seen. I think that, and the camera, marked us as newbies.

And then, there was the sandbox...

The Moms and Boys went to the Woodland Park Zoo about two weeks back. The new penguin exhibit is super cool. Elijah and Zack had mixed feelings about the bubble windows, but Sam nearly jumped out of my arms to get in.
So, swings: 0,
bubble windows with penguins zooming at your head: 10.

He also continues to like the dishwasher.

We are simple, simple people. We think this is HIGH-larious. Sam has loved the feather dusters for a while, but on this night he toddled into the kitchen, with both of them, while smacking his lips (another new trick). Charlie hadn't seen the duster walk before and in the midst of his hysterical laughter, he insisted we film. Glad we did.