Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Blame the Great Cat Wall

Yeah, I'm not even going to attempt to justify my lack of postings. So much so, I'm just going to inundate you all with photos. That said, and explanation: the Great Cat Wall is my name for the slab of plywood that Charlie bolted up between our kitchen and library. It has a hole in it for the cats-- their food is in the library now as SOMEONE thinks he's a cat. Sam enjoys looking through the hole after the cats go through, or looking over the wall and pointing emphatically at the cat food.
Sometime in July-- EVERYONE takes a bath.


The Phone is the best toy.

Grandad visiting 8.5.09

Whenever he gets serious, he looks like an adult. Freaky.
Yeah, I just looked up at a noise one day and Sam's pointing to this sight.
I have no idea how he levered himself up there.

More Grandad!

Auntie Caitlyn was right (as she so often is)-- Richard Scarry's BIGGEST WORD BOOK is a huge hit. I think Sam likes it best because he can climb onto it.

He looks like a freakin' teenager.

Our friends David and Lora came to dinner. Lora picked up a book and Sam was right there. He LOVES the books. Don't know why...

Last weekend, 8.22-23.09 at Lopez Island, WA. The ECS/MT company overnight at the O'Neill Cabin. Erin (Tim the Boss Man's daughter) was great fun for Sam.
So was Finnegan, the yorkshire terrier.
The Dad High Chair

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