Monday, April 5, 2010

Eat a Peep

Well, it's Easter. Or Bunny Day, as we like to call it. Charlie was the one who bothered to get the camera this time. I was whacked out on allergy medication and my sum total attitude was "whatever." These are in no particular order. I used to be able to rearrange images in Blogger on my computer, but I can't now. I don't know why and I've got better things to do, so hopefully you all will learn to live with the pain.

(I'm still taking the allergy meds, by the way.)

Rearranging Easter grass-- which sounds a lot like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but significantly less grim.

But what he really wants is animal crackers.
Seriously. He's only moderately into candy.
"What is this sight I behold...for ME?"

After emptying the basket, he became highly suspicious of the Easter grass.
Maybe if it was green rather than orange...

Yes, he's backing away from the grass.

Eating a Peep.
He bit the head off, kept looking at the rest of it and then handed the soggy mess to me.
This was after Charlie demonstrated that Peeps were, in fact, edible. Sam was doubtful.

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