Monday, May 10, 2010

Ah, Seattle in Early May

Seattle & early May= more like February in CA. On the first weekend, we went for a walk to Honore bakery, just up the hill. (AMAZING french pastry) It's sort of a tradition to have our elevenses there on the weekend. I also call it Charlie's Default Entertainment Option.

Sam's got a rock thing right now-- like every other toddler that has ever existed. He's not smelling them, he's trying to lick them. A practice we are working to disabuse him of.

It was windy.
I'm not that lazy.

Sharing pastry.
Disgusted by papparazzi.

This is my favorite.

Okay, I AM lazy enough to be seen in my neighborhood dressed like this.
This is the bench outside the yoga studio. WE ALWAYS MUST SIT ON THE BENCH!

So, with some of our tax return, Charlie purchased a Makerbot kit.
Ask him-- he'll tell you in detail. Naturally, Sam finds it fascinating. And it is pretty durn cool. Here is the man and his minions, all working on assembly.
Note Flea "supervising" in the background.

In general, all is well. I met with my dissertation chair last weekend, and I've had some productive discussions overall. It's just a matter of making the jump through the prospectus hoop as smooth as possible. I'm starting work on the diss. proper, because I cannot waste any more time noodling with what is, essentially, an overblown outline designed to make one's committee feel secure. Yes, I hold a bit of angst about that. Work is busy for Charlie, but not impossibly so. He just got back from Colona, BC and is prepping for another trip coming up. Sam and I are doing a spring mini-session of Kindermusik, then taking a break for the summer. We'll start up again in Fall-- a good, get-out-0f-the-house thing. We're also doing a swim class at the YMCA. First class, Sam screamed through 20 of the 30 minutes. Second time, it was hard to keep a hold of him, he wanted to go haring off on his own in the water so badly. As near as I can tell, the hair dryers in the locker room freaked him out that first time and everything snowballed. Should have known, given his relationship with the vacuum. Other than that, Sam's drawing and reading a ton, Charlie's working on stove models and I'm knitting and watching "24"-- one of the most unintentionally funny shows I've seen in a while.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I need more Sam!!