Monday, November 15, 2010


This is what Sam says, loudly, when we say we're going to the Seattle Aquarium. Best money ever spent on a membership-- thanks Grandad! We've been a few times this fall and Sam's enthusiasm for fish does not seem to be waning. This was the first time Charlie had been with Sam in a while. We toodled over there on Labor Day.

Window on Washington Waters display
Sam is deeply suspicious of the divers that appear during the talk/shows,
but likes the display
Playing in the tidepool

With Mama in the Tropicals room.
Notice how he is completely uninterested in anything but
the fish.

Pointing out fish to Dad
Looking at water birds
Rare photographic evidence of both parents!
Mama and Sam
(Agan, totally uninterested in anything else!)
I think this captures the "addicted to FISH" quality nicely.

Here is Sam, attempting to say "anemone"

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