Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is Sam's new reply to any yes or no questions. So today I said "maybe...YES" to a new post. This has been the moment where I have finally felt like/had time/had a kid willing to tolerate loading pictures and chatting since before the new year. I have been busy-- happy busy, but busy enough to remind me that I do not multi-task well. That said, I have been taking pictures, so there is a photographic record of this period, whether published on the interwebs or not! This is what we have been doing lately, in no particular order.

Last weeked was gorgeous, so we finally (I'm talking to you, Grandad) took the wagon out of the house. A church up the hill had mulched a tree, so there was a tempting free pile of chips-- and a sign that even said "Free!" We filled the wagon and scored a couple of outside trucks from another neighborhood "Free" pile.

(Free piles appear to be a big Seattle thing. Awful handy for scavenging.)

In other news:

Potty Training!

I had to lobby hard to get this one into the blog.

C was completely against it.

But this is how he runs around most days-- shirt, nothing, shoes. Like the signs say, "No shirt, no shoes, no service." Well, this way he can go to our local French bakery and be okay.

Another teenage Sam look.

Breakfast with the Cat Minion

Playing in the sink

" hand got TOTALLY wet!"
A walk around the neighborhood, before we picked up Nana at the airport.
Very big into tossing balls around outside. Good way to run a toddler down.

The beloved rock pile on the corner of 67th

Hanging out on someone's parking strip. Evidently utility covers hold great fascination to toddler boys.

Boy, With Sticks.

And a puddle.

"I put SuperLamb on Monk. It makes him feel COZY. Make him feel better."

Sam's got a thing for "button shirts" right now. He DOES NOT want something going over his head. So I snagged three from Target and we have a truly fantastic hawaiian print one that we circulate. You'll be seeing a lot of plaid. I like the orange one, above, best. Of course, it sets off Monk well.

The potty training is going reasonably well. We're focusing on daytime work right now, but he seems to be getting the general idea of things. I find it more disgusting than diapers, but I can't pinpoint why. However, I do love the idea of the two giant boxes from Costco being the last boxes I will buy. We are going to have to ease him away from the notion that Mama or Dad will read "Curious George" out loud for every toileting event. "Curious George" is long. Very, very long.

While Nana was here, Sam figured out how to ride the tricycle we acquired from C's co-worker. Once C gave it a tune-up, Sam started tearing around the 'hood. Downhill is great, but since we live in a sub-neighborhood of Ballard called (alternately) Crown Hill and Whittier Heights, right next to Phinney Ridge, you can sense that there is an equal amount of uphill for the down. Tricycles do not have a good low gear.

We spend as much time outside as possible. It's the typical "June Gloom" right now, but it's warmer and this boy needs to move. He's figured out how to hop (I'm not sure that sports are really in his future) and talks like a maniac. He still hangs out with his buddy Holden (and the fantabulous Meg, mom of Holden and life saver of Sarah) and the sharing is getting better. There's hope for socialization yet! He will not live as if raised by the cats!

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