Note the awesome bag. HOMEMADE because it's not enough that I'm writing a dissertation, teaching and attempting to keep a home, I must make a CUSTOM bag for a preschooler. It has monkeys. It has cars. It is vinyl-y. It is freakin' BAG LINED. For the first time in my life, I did bag lining on an *actual* bag.
Outside the school gate.
There are two Sams at his school-- hence Sam is "Sam Z." And everyone seems to think his last name is Marsh Krauter, so I think he's going to be utterly suprised when people address him as Sam Krauter when he gets to Kindergarten. The school is awsome. I haven't taken pictures inside because I don't want to weird anyone out (yet). It's in the Maple Leaf neighborhood and is just a residential home turned into kid paradise. Two fat, friendly cats live there! They have a huge yard! And Sam walked in and was totally (and continues to be) disinterested in my presence or lack of. Frankly, it was more traumatic (and not much) for C and I.
Some other eye candy from March...
Some other eye candy from March...