Tuesday, December 2, 2008

To Spokane for Government Conspiracy Holiday!The rearview/baby-spy mirror fell down in Charlie's car, so the only way of verifying that Sam was alive was through some backwards photography. Also, I was bored.

Then I took pictures of us.

Sam only deigned to wake up when the car stopped moving of he was hungry. At which point, he howled.
Guarding the cranberry muffins, on the Day of the Turkey.
(Note the FABULOUS striped pants. Also, he's got halloween/Harvest jack o'lantern socks on.)

Charlie, in his "Thanksgiving" t-shirt.
Look! It's a holiday table!
And then it started to snow...
There was more the next day but I didn't take pictures. Most of you know how I feel about snow. And if you don't I suspect you do after that statement. Don't let the smiles in the snow pictures fool you.
That's a blob of snow on his head, to make it more apparent. Ah, the magic, the wonder of my son's first snowfall.
It. Was. Cold.

Becky and Howard's friends Brenda and Jared, as well as their two girls, Stevie (17) and Carson (18 mo) came for dinner. Lovely, lovely family. Carson is shown here-- a vision of what we may be looking forward to.

Dos Krauters and Un Kovasky, in repose on Friday. Plus a rare photo of Simon the cat.

Sam and his Great Aunt Becky

This would be Becky mid-imitation of Carson's "DUDE!"

Sam and Becky
A Short Series Where Howard and Sam Have a Conversation
I guess they are Great-Great Uncle John and Aunt Loyal. Well, David's fabulous parents, at any rate. They were in town after Thanksgiving and we all had dinner on Sunday. John grabbed Sam right off-- he's a master.
These are all of our photos. Howard has sent me the ones he and Becky took, so I'll add those later this week. Given how fussy Sam's been -- possibly teething?-- it's an achievement to get these up!
Now, Thanksgiving is called Government Conspiracy Day by my friend Erin and I because it was invented during the Civil War era/Reconstruction as a means to unite the country. Don't believe me? Look it up, people. I like turkey as much as the next gal, but I don't like propoganda! As someone who spends a considerable amount of time reading about the Restoration period in England, I can tell you that Pilgrims are nothing to be proud about being descended from.


Tizzy said...

Great photos Sarah! And I suggest you read Sarah Vowell's latest for a different take on Pilgrims/Puritans!

The Fam said...

Oh, I think C and I are getting that as a joint gift!!