Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm Trying to Remember That I Love My Kid

Well, it happens. Every day is not sunshine and roses. My mother recalls when I was 12-13 with shudders of horror, my father recoils at the thought of me at 17. Sam's durn charming and I do love him, but ach. Some days. So I'm posting some things to help me get over myself.
This is Lisa's mom, Marcia. She's GREAT! They came over with cupcakes so Lisa and I could visit while Marcia romped with Sam. I'm not sure who had more fun. They brought him a couple books-- one on baby animals (SO appropriate for those of you who were in the PhD office with Lisa, Mimi and I) and NOT THE HIPPOPOTOMUS. It's an existential crisis disguised as a kid's book. I love it.

In our house, we call this "riding the Dad." This photo was 8.1.08...
And this was early May '09
Note the differences.
Sam doesn't really crash out on us anymore. It's a kind of bittersweet by-product of really teaching him to fall asleep in his crib. So when he snuggles up on Charlie, both are truly happy.
Okay, I admit I'm biased, but he's freakin' adorable and I feel better about being a mom now.

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