Saturday, May 30, 2009

Standing, Cats, Pizza, Crawling-- It's All Here

This has been Sam's latest accomplishment for a couple weeks-- pulling himself up to standing. No cruising yet, but give him time. Oh, and sticking his tongue out. My pal Kindra's boy, Elijah, does this. She calls it "the Village Idiot" face. I concur.

I'd come in from the garden and for once Sam was excited to see me. Most of the time he's excited to see Charlie and fairly apathetic about me. Meh.

Smiling with Superlamb before breakfast.
The Moms and Boys hanging out at Greenlake this week. I brought out the Cheerios and it turned into an orgy.
Sam, Zach and Rudy are above, with Rudy feeding Zach (or grabbing Cheerios from his mouth, it's unclear which) and Elijah looking on below.
Sam in his "King of Bugs" shirt
Kindra in the background with ALL THE BOYS.
Rudy, eyes shut. Rudy is waaaay into declaiming right now. Greenlake is a 2.8 mi walk and I swear he spent the entire time proclaiming to the world . He holds one hand up in the air while he does it. HIGH-larious!
Sam's first pizza. Charlie's favorite food is pizza, so when we had some on Thursday, I decided Sam could try it. He was moderately impressed, but Charlie was proud.

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